2nd APTCCARN Meeting | On-line web portals for Art Conservation and Curatorial Research
International cross-disciplinary research partnerships require modes of communication that enable access to complex and disparate forms of data. The Asia Pacific Twentieth Century Conservation Art Research Network and ARC Linkage project The Twentieth Century in Paint, engaged scientists, curators, conservators, art historians, and artists from twelve public institutions and six universities on four continents to research Twentieth-century art in the Asia-Pacific. The research examined new media, pigments, dyes and additives that led to the creation of revolutionary works of art in the 20th century in both Australia and Southeast Asia. It considered how these materials impact on modern art’s paint handling, performance and permanence.
The 2nd APTCCARN Meeting, On-line web portals for Art Conservation and Curatorial Research, was held at the University of Melbourne in Australia, over 23-24 March 2009. The Meeting was also held in association with the Australian Research Council Project, The 20th Century in Paint.
A two-day workshop held at The University of Melbourne, Australia, over the 23-24 March, 2009, investigated the IT frameworks used to support the research networks and enable the communication of data and results. The workshop included an overview of research to date and research models in art conservation, modern paint, Synchrotron science and on-line organisational systems.
The workshop was opened by Dr Najib Ahmad Dawa, Director, National Art Gallery in Malaysia and speakers included:
Professor Jane Hunter, School of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering, University of Queensland
Ms Zanita Anuar, Curator, National Art Gallery in Malaysia
Dr Tom Learner, Getty Conservation Institute
Dr Stephen Best, School of Chemistry, The University of Melbourne
Mr Amerrudin Ahmad, Curator, National Art Gallery in Malaysia
Professor Leon Sterling, eResearch, The University of Melbourne
Professor Carl Schiesser, ARC Centre of Excellence for Free Radical Chemistry and Biotechnology, University of Melbourne
Dr. Maricor Soriano, University of the Philippines
Dr. Supanee Chayabata, Silapakorn University
Professor John Drennan, Centre for Microscopy and Microanalysis, University of Queensland
Associate Professor Robyn Sloggett, GCCMC
Dr Nicole Tse, GCCMC
Read the Program here.
This program was organised by the Grimwade Centre for Cultural Materials Conservation and funded by an International Research Planning Workshop Award, The University of Melbourne