5th APTCCARN Meeting | Natural Disasters & Cultural Heritage in the Philippines: Knowledge Sharing, Decision Making & Conservation
This event aimed to expand people-to-people linkages among a diverse range of skills, capabilities and experiences of cultural heritage recovery and disaster management. The forum, led by community knowledge holders and cultural heritage practitioners, aimed to share their recent experiences from the natural disasters and cultural heritage recovery projects in the Philippines, Southeast Asia and beyond.
Participants included the National Museum, Philippines, Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organisation Regional Centre for Archaeology and Fine Arts (SEAMEO SPAFA), community knowledge holders, Grimwade Centre for Cultural Materials Conservation, School of Historical and Philosophical Studies, University of Melbourne, and APTCCARN participants.
It was held over the 4-6 April, 2017, in Bohol, Philippines.
With a primary focus on movable cultural heritage, the program includes participation, sharing and learning, focussing on:
Disaster recovery and cultural materials conservation in the community
The dynamics of change
Cultural materials salvage, rehabilitation, revitalisation and management
Environmental parameters and disaster response in Southeast Asia
Recent and shared experiences
Over 3 days, the forum included study visits, sharing sessions, group activities, practical workshops and presentations.
Read the welcome message here.
Read the press coverage here.
Click here to download the full conference program
Read a recap of the Meeting by Nicole Tse, Sabine Cotte, Claire Grech and Pam Soriana in the AICCM newsletter, here.
Presenters have submitted their papers for publication. A book titled, Cultural Heritage and Natural Disasters in the Southeast Asian Region: Meaningful Exchanges and Broadening Awareness, co-edited by Dr Nicole Tse and Dr Ana Labrador, is being written with guest author and editorial chapters from the Philippines, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, Australia, and Italy.
For further details contact:
Dr Nicole Tse (nicoleat@unimelb.edu.au)
5th APTCCARN Advisory Committee
Mr Jeremy Barns, Director, National Museum, Philippines
Dr Rujaya Abhakorn, Centre Director, SEAMEO Regional Centre for Archaeology and Fine Arts (SEAMEO SPAFA)
5th APTCCARN Organising Committee
Dr Ana Labrador, Assistant Director, National Museum, Philippines
Mr Angel P Bautista, Acting Assistant Director, National Museum, Philippines
Ms Maria Eliza Agabin, Programme and Executive Assistant, SEAMEO Regional Centre for Archaeology & Fine Arts
Ms Hatthaya Siriphatthanakun, Specialist in Cultural Heritage Conservation, SEAMEO Regional Centre for Archaeology & Fine Arts
Engineer Jainab Tahil-Altillero, Head, Research, Collections and Conservation Division, National Museum, Philippines
Mr Robert Balarbar, Assistant Curator, Arts Division, National Museum, Philippines
Dr Nicole Tse, Senior Lecturer, Grimwade Centre for Cultural Materials Conservation, SHAPS, ARTS, University of Melbourne
Ms Rosie Cook, Cultural Materials Conservator, Asialink Arts Resident, Taiyuan Asian Puppet Theatre, Taiwan
Ms Sabine Cotte, PhD Candidate, Grimwade Centre for Cultural Materials Conservation, SHAPS, ARTS, University of Melbourne
Ms Claire Grech, PhD Candidate, Grimwade Centre for Cultural Materials Conservation, SHAPS, ARTS, University of Melbourne
5th APTCCARN Local Organising Committee
Mr Angel P Bautista
Engineer Jainab Aimee Tahil-Altillero
Mr Robert Balarbar
Ms Mariah Camille Calanno
Ms Melissa Agulan
Ms Sunshine Blanco
Ms Imelda Jestra
Mr Dominic Urgelles
Ms Michelle Nacion
Ms Bajji Alvarez
Ms Marianne Claire Vitug
Mr Charlemeine Tantingco
Mr Joel Dahiroc
Ms Athena Vitor
We acknowledge and thank all our sponsors for their support of ‘Natural Disasters & Cultural Heritage in the Philippines: Knowledge Sharing, Decision Making, & Conservation’, in particular the Australian Government through the Australia-ASEAN Council of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.
It was also supported by
National Museum, the Philippines
Grimwade Centre for Cultural Materials Conservation, School of Historical and Philosophical Studies, Faculty of Arts, University of Melbourne, Australia
Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization Regional Centre for Archaeology and Fine Arts (SEAMEO SPAFA)